1.  Rain’s Day

2.  Springtime Jasmine  

3.  Out of Monet  

4.  CLeM  

5.  Tiger Loves the Rain  

6.  Dream #3  

7.  A Most Perfect Lady  

8.  Bonito  

9.  All My Stinker Winkers  


1.  The Viking

2.  Dawn of the Dragon Ships

3.  The Blade Artist

4.  To Novgorod

5.  de Hauteville

6.  I Have Chased the Medieval Shadow

7.  Skald’s Dream

8.  The Varangian Guard

9.  Death and Return


During the 24-minute ‘Viking Suite,’ the music becomes genuinely visionary.  This section features wonderfully varied and virile instrumentation, including a majestic synthesizer-based overture for "The Viking" and a kinetic full-blown symphonic sound on ‘To Novgorod,’ a composition which in a rousing, rough-and-tumble manner explores the rich legacies of the fabled medieval Norsemen.

Jeff Berkwits - Asterism Magazine

When I first heard the music of Rain's Day by Dwight Bernard Mikkelsen, my thoughts were, "Who is this guy, really?  Is he really from this century?  Could it be true that someone still writes music that communicates this well and with this much emotion, depth, and beauty?

Well, this guy is Dwight Mikkelsen, he really is from this century and, yes, it's true that someone still writes music that communicates this well and with this much emotion, depth, and beauty.  He is a classical composer in the truest sense, an artist who communicates across time and space to all who can hear.

The Rain's Day Suite, the first nine tracks, were recorded by a small chamber orchestra: violins, violas, cellos, harp, acoustic guitar, flute, french horn, clarinet, oboe and piano. (The one exception is Dream #3, an all-synthesizer piece that somehow fits in perfectly.) The orchestral pieces are earnestly played by great musicians who capture the beauty and playfulness of Rain's Day, Springtime Jasmine, CleM, A Most Perfect Lady, Bonito and All My Stinker Winkers. Out of the past, and with good humor for our day, is the classically classical Out of Monet. The haunting and poignant Tiger Loves the Rain is gorgeous in its simplicity.  

FM Arouet, reviewer, Artists’ InfoLine

Great stuff.  It was refreshing to hear music of such originality and quality for a change (quite rare of late).

Don Remus - WOUI - Chicago, IL

Orchestral Music is one of my favorites.  This CD is a welcome addition to the library. Very moving.

Renee Blanche - Host - "Night Tides" KCUR - Kansas City, MO

Got it, received it, played it, loved it.  It will be on my next playlist.  After checking with the DJs we found that tracks 1, 3, 5 and 10 are receiving the most attention.  I believe it is track 10 that really grabs them.

Van Roberts - Producer and Announcer - "Music of the Spheres" WMUW - Columbus, MS

The music is beautiful.

Valerie Law - Host "Celestial Reasonings" KZYX/KZYZ - Talmadge, CA

I enjoyed it and so did my listeners.

Jeff Filbert - Producer and Host "Music from the Global Village" - WFIT - Melbourne, FL

I get a fairy tale feeling from it.  I feel really animated when I listen to it.

Janet Planet, Host, "Music for a New Age" KCHO, Chico, California   

Real good.

Wayne Wong - Host "Global Reflections" WZRU -Roanoke Rapids, NC

all music has been published                  all rights reserved                  international copyright secured

What has become of the steed?

What has become of the warrior?

What has become of the seats of banquet?

Where are the joys of the hall?

O for the bright cup!

O for the mailclad warrior!

O for the glory of the prince!

How that time has passed away

And grown dark under the cover of night,

As if it had never been.

I wrote the night with Music

Upon the winter sea.

Bashing the shore and splitting the wind,

He said “Good-bye!” to me.

I wrote the day with Music

Upon the summer sea

Touching the sky and kissing the breeze,

She paid her debt to me.

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